
Christophe Lardot began his career as a stylist in Paris and Lyon.
Most recently however, he’s fallen back to his first passion…

Post-it Project

Facebook and Instagram: Thank you! You have given a new direction to my path of Artist! Christophe Lardot.
Flooded by the ubiquitous…


Christophe Lardot has always been fascinated by the rendering and immortality of the souls of portraits frozen through eternity…

About Me

Christophe Lardot  began his career as a stylist in Paris.

Most recently however, he’s fallen back to his first passion – drawing.
Since 2006, his illustrations have been featured heavily in the health & beauty and fashion industries.
He’s also collaborate with famous publishing companies like Pocket and Usborne Publishing. 

After few years of digital drawing practice he is starting a new challenge by creating realistic portraits on unexpected support like « Post-it ». He is also exploring new media like acrylic painting on wood panel.

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